Juiced UP NEIPA - Beervana 2018
A tropical cyclone of pineapple, mango and stone fruit. This juicy milkshake IPA oozes sunshine and good time.
1.7 kg Black Rock Pale Ale
1.7 kg Black Rock Wheat
300g Lactose
11.5 g Fermentis S-04 yeast
115g Azacca
70g Mosaic
70g Citra
1 Vanilla pod
Clean & Sanitise fermenter and associated equipment for brewing.
Dissolve 3.4 kg of wort concentrate and 300g lactose into 2 Litres of boiling water in a large jug and add to fermenter . Fill with cold quality brewing water to 21 litres achieving a start-ing wort temperature of 20 +/- 3 °C.
Sprinkle the dried yeast onto wort surface and ferment for 4 days then dry hop 50g Azacca, 30g Mosaic, 30g Citra and add split vanilla pod.
At day 7 of fermentation with a final gravity of 1.012 SG dry hop remaining 65g Azacca, 40g of Mosaic and 40g of Citra.
Allow 3 days of dry hop and vanilla infusing, then crash cool fermenter to 1-3 °C for 48-72 hours and keg or bottle using standard practices
Alcohol: 4.1%
ABV Bitterness: 30 IBU
Colour: 9 SRM
Pilsner and Wheat malts