Tropical Ale
Inspired by the very popular Stone & Wood Pacific Ale number 1# at AU GABS awards 2017. Higher in alcohol than the typical Pacific Ale but still very sessionable. Light in body and colour with a grassy tropical fruit aroma.
1 x 1.7 kg Black Rock Mexican Lager
1 x 1.7 kg Black Rock Unhopped Wheat
500g Dextrose
11.5 g US05 yeast
50 g Galaxy Hops
*Clarification agent
Clean & Sanitise fermenter and associated equipment for brewing.
Dissolve the 3.4 kg of liquid wort concentrate with the dextrose & 2 Litres of boiling water in a large jug and add to fermenter. Fill to a total of 21 Litres with quality cold brewing water, achieving a starting wort temperature of 20 +/- 3°C.
Sprinkle dried yeast onto wort surface and ferment for approximately 7 days.
Sprinkle the 50 grams of hop pellets on to beer surface and continue to ferment until a final gravity of 1007SG.
If bottling brew, use standard bottle carbonation procedures at ambient temperature. If crash cooling brew prior to bottling, expect twice the time to carbonate in bottle.
*If kegging brew, add clarification agent as per manufacturers instruction and crash cool as cold as possible for 48 hours prior to kegging.
Alcohol: 6.34% ABV
Bitterness: 26 IBU
Colour: 6 SRM
Black Rock Wort Concentrates contain:
Pilsner Malt, Wheat Malt, Green Bullet Hops