Tropical IPA
Try out NZ hops latest release in this juicy, smooth IPA brew. Intense tropical fruit and citrus aromas of pineapple, passionfruit, peach and grapefruit.
3.4 kg Black Rock Lager
1.7 kg Black Rock Amber
11.5 g Fermentis US-05 yeast
140g NZ Hops “ Hort 4337” hops
Clean & sanitise fermenter and associated equipment for brewing.
Dissolve the 5.2kg of wort concentrate into 1.5 Litres of boiling water in a large jugs and add to fermenter.
Fill with cold quality brewing water to 23 litres achieving a starting wort tempera-ture of 20 +/- 2°C.
Pitch yeast and maintain fermentation temperature around 20 °C.
Dry hop at day 3 with 50g Hort 4337 and dry hop a second time at day 8 with 90g Hort 4337
Allow FG of 1011-1013 to be stable for 4 days then crash cool fermenter to 1-3 °C for 2-3 days then keg or bottle using standard practices.
Alcohol: 6.5% ABV
Bitterness: 35 IBU
Colour: 8 SRM
Black Rock Cider contains:
Pilsner, Crystal, Roasted and Black malts