Berrylicious Cider - Beervana 2018
Luscious boysenberry cider bursting with Nelson summer goodness
3.3 kg Black Rock Cider
1 kg Black Rock Liquid sugar
7 g Fermentis Safcider yeast
500 mL Boysenberry concentrate
(Tasman Bay Berries www.tasmanbayberries.co.nz)
Clean & Sanitise fermenter and associated equipment for brewing.
Dissolve 3.4 kg of cider concentrate and 1 kg of brewing sugar into 2 Litres of boiling water in a large jug and add to fermenter . Fill with cold brewing water to 21 litres achieving a starting cider temperature of 20 +/- 3 °C.
Sprinkle the dried yeast onto cider surface and ferment for approximately 12 days until a gravity of approx. 1.010 SG is achieved and has stabilised.
Add 500 mL of boysenberry concentrate and crash cool fermenter to 1-3 °C for 48-72 hours and keg or bottle using standard practices
Alcohol: 6.2% ABV
Bitterness: N/A
Colour: 40 SRM
Black Rock Wort Concentrates contain:
Apple juice Concentrate