Passionfruit Haze - Hazy New England - DCBFF 2019
Hazy Passionfruit Milkshake IPA
1.7 kg Black Rock Blonde
1.7 kg Black Rock Wheat
1.4kg Ale malt
700g Rolled oats,
350g Flaked wheat, 350g Flaked barley
185g Light crystal malt
700g Lactose
80g Riwaka hops
2 kg Passion fruit pulp (seedless)
11g Lallemand American East Coast Ale
Partial Mash
Partial Mash Recipe:
Mash all grains into 18 L of brewing water at 64°C for 40 minutes, then raise to 72°C for 30 minutes
Lauter then add 3.4 kgs of wort concentrate and adjust volume to 23 L
Boil 45 minutes
Whirlpool Riwaka hops and passionfruit pulp
Immersion chill brew to 20 °C.
Clean & sanitise fermenter and associated equipment
Fill fermenter and pitch yeast at a 20 +/- 3 °C.
When FG of 1014 SG has been stable for 3 days, crash cool fermenter to 1-3 °C for 48-72 hours and keg or bottle using standard practices
Alcohol: 5.2% ABV
Bitterness: 30 IBU
Colour: 9 SRM
Black Rock Wort contains:
Pilsner, Wheat